Florentino Hornedo

"Truth in Oriental thought is not something to learn; it is someone to become… Culture makes the world human; arts make the human better… For leaders who cannot charm their people with their greatness of soul and mastery of the human spirit cannot lead; and if they must (by whatever decree), they would with force and violence… That is why the greatest of us all should lead; and it is educating for greatness and sublimity that education must aspire. Then, the rest of the arts will do their part. For great leaders are the horizons of a nation's possibilities. And when they are not there, or when education has mediocrized all, a people can only expect the somnolence of boredom or spiritual death."

About this website

This website is dedicated to the memory and ideas of Professor Dr. Florentino H. Hornedo — scholar, artist, teacher of philosophy, history, politics,  anthropology, culture, and education. The online links are provided for easy reference to users. No copyright infringement is intended. For comments, suggestions, submissions, links, etc. please send an email to neworacle@yahoo.com